Please use the grid below to request an instruction sesssion for your class. Choose a date under 'Go To Date' and scroll to your class time. The default duration for a class is set at 75 minutes, but you can adjust the time. We ask that faculty schedule instruction at least one week in advance to allow librarians time to communicate with you about the class content and to prepare for the class.
After selecting a time you will be prompted to answer some questions about your class and your goals for the instruction session. Once you submit your instruction request we'll confirm the time and reach out with any follow-up questions we have.
In person instruction can take place either in the library or in your regular classroom. The library classroom can accommodate up to 24 students; if your class is larger than that we will need to come to your classroom -- and we're happy to visit your classroom no matter your class size!
If you don't see an available time that works for your class, or have any questions about research and information literacy instruction at BHCC, please reach out to us at and we will work with you to find a time.